The Greenest Host is a web host that claims to be the greenest. The company certainly has some green credentials to back up such an assertion. They are based in San Francisco, and they run their service from AISO.Net’s solar powered datacenter. That’s right — AISO’s entire datacenter is powered by its own array of solar cells, installed outside the building. There are 120 solar panels in total, generating 12 kilowatts of power (you can see them on a live webcam here). AISO’s datacenter has been running on solar power since 2001, you can read more details of their solar operation here.E a quanto pare in molti stanno puntando sul risparmio energetico: ecco infatti una lista di altri web hosting “verdi”:
Stati Uniti: Acorn Host, Thinkhost, Dreamhost
Regno Unito: Solar Web Host, Ecological Host
Australia: Ilisys
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Noi di abbiamo scelto per il nostro blog ad impatto zero l'hosting green di hostgator alimentato al 130% da energia eolica
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